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WinRAR 5.30 beta 2 changelog

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WinRAR 5.30 beta 2 brengt de volgende veranderingen:

 1. SFX module sets sfxstime environment variable, which contains the module start time in "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS-ms" format. You can specify it in Path command if you need to generate a time based unique installation path, such as "Path=myapp-%sfxstime%". 2. Fewer password requests in following cases in "Convert archives" command: a) if "Convert archives" is applied to archive with encrypted file names, which contents is currently displayed in WinRAR; b) if archive produced by "Convert archives" includes encrypted file names. 3. Bugs fixed: a) RAR volumes renamed from standard .part1.rar, .part2.rar to .001, .002 are recognized and processed correctly now. Previous beta opened them as set of usual split files, not as RAR volumes; b) reports produced with "Generate report" command contained invalid CRC32 checksums for non-archived files; c) "rar x arcname.rar d:" command unpacks files to d: current folder. Previous version unpacked them to d: root folder; d) archive comment was not encrypted if added to archive with encrypted headers using "c" command without -hp switch. This beta encrypts an archive comment in such case.

WinRAR is niet gratis, ontwikkeld door een Duits bedrijf. Het kan echter ook aanschaffen via onze site KoopWinRAR! De voordelen hiervan zijn dat je geen creditcard nodig hebt en dat de betaling veilig en makkelijk is! Meer informatie vind je op onze site KoopWinRAR (voor particulieren) en KoopWinRAR Zakelijk (voor bedrijven, ondernemers en ZZP-ers).